Archive for January, 2024

Mike’s Limoncello

How good is limoncello?

1 bottle (750 ml) Everclear grain alcohol (190 proof)
8-9 organic lemon
2 cups white sugar
3 cups water

1. Wash the lemons well to remove wax and dirt.
2. Zest the lemons using a fine grater. Be sure the zest consists only of the yellow peel, not the white underskin which will add biterness.
3. Place the lemon zest and the Everclear in a large glass jar. Make sure there is enough space in the jar for a little expansion. Place in a cool, dark/dim place.
4. Allow the mixture to steep at least 10 days, up to three weeks. Every 2-3 days stir the mixture with a spoon.
5. Strain the steeped mixture through a cheese cloth.
6. Boil the water. Add the sugar and stir until the sugar is complete dispolved nad the mixture is clear. Allow to cool.
7. Mix the sugar syrup with the steeped alcohol.
8. Bottle and chill.